Learning by Proxy with Vivek Srinivasan
Learning by Proxy with Vivek Srinivasan
Learning by Proxy | Podcast | Chipping Away

Learning by Proxy | Podcast | Chipping Away

Drawing a new world order begins with determining where Silicon Chips would be manufactured!

This is the Learning by Proxy podcast for Edition 54. If you do not enjoy reading long-form, get the gist of it in about 10 minutes.

This time in the podcast - 

Chip fight is getting serious

India tightening the noose on digital payments

Government caught between a rock and a hard place with vaccines

You can find the whole blog at this link.

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What we think, we become ~ Buddha

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Learning by Proxy with Vivek Srinivasan
Learning by Proxy with Vivek Srinivasan
My podcast, just like my blog is about demystifying and simplifying complex things but pulling many threads together. If you are curious and love to learn about the world around you, you will love this podcast!